
Made with:
Research  ⁄  Ideation  ⁄  A lot of dry erase markers

Over the summer, while interning for Organic among a team of interns from various disciplines, we were tasked with imagining what car ownership would look like by 2016. We choose Organic’s current client VW to work with, and we researched the market, conducted interviews, explored technologies, and brainstormed, and created a presentation that we gave to VW executives.

What we pitched was simple: Cars now have telematics, or the ability to read information about the car such as location, fuel levels or tire pressure, and relay that information wirelessly to a smart phone or server. Our researched showed that more data would be able to be measured from a car—but what could set VW apart would be rather than directly reporting the information, they would use all available data to create information relevant and useful to the driver as they need it. Our idea is for intelligent telematics, or “Intellematics.”

Imagine if you car knows where you work, how far of a drive it is from home, how much gas it takes to get there, and how much gas you have in your tank? Your car could warn you when you’d need to leave earlier to stop for gas on the way into work. What if not only your car knew how you adjust your seat, your radio preferences, your temperature preferences—but any VW car could? You could borrow a family member’s car and have it instantly feel like it was yours—without messing with or overriding their settings.